M ar 2 00 3 Lepton flavor violating signals of gauge bosons Z ′ at future e + e − colliders
Many models, such as topcolor-assisted technicolor (TC2) models and flavoruniversal TC2 models, predict the existence of extra U(1) gauge bosons Z ′, which couple preferentially to the third generation. The lepton flavor violating (LFV) signals of these new particles at the future e+e− colliders (LCs) are discussed via calculating its contributions to the LFV process e+e− → μτ . We calculate the cross section of this process and discuss its dependence on the beam polarization. The ratio of signal over square root of the background (S/ √ B) is also calculated. The results show that the LFV signals of the gauge bosons Z ′ may be detected at the future LC experiments. E-mail:[email protected] This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(90203005)
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